grow, cook, eat, arrange with Sarah Raven & friends
Welcome to grow, cook, eat, arrange, the weekly podcast from gardener, writer, teacher,and cook, Sarah Raven. Over the last two decades, Sarah has led the way by introducing a new kind of productive gardening which places emphasis on intense colour, sophistication, and achievability. Recorded at the beautiful Perch Hill Farm in Sussex, Sarah talks with special guests from across garden design, floristry, food, ecology, conservation, and more. Brimming with top tips and helpful hints, listen and learn how to create your most productive garden ever. You can find out more about the products discussed in each episode or get in touch by visiting the website:
grow, cook, eat, arrange with Sarah Raven & friends
Floristry inspiration through a fashion designer’s lens with Hazel Gardiner - Episode 191
Garden design is certainly a creative affair, and while Hazel Gardiner’s background was once in fashion, her floristry studio exudes inspiration from which we can all learn.
This episode of ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’ explores Hazel’s journey from fashion to floristry, the thought process behind her own garden, and her absolute favourite plants for the garden and as cut flowers.
In this episode, discover:
- How Hazel’s background in fashion and events gives her such a wonderful eye in the garden
- The inspiration behind Hazel’s zoned, structured garden in Stoke Newington
- Evergreen plants perfect for those wanting gorgeous impact all year round
- Hazel’s must-have plants in the garden and for cut flowers, from grasses like Hakonechloa to dinner plate dahlias like ‘Cafe au Lait’
Products mentioned:
Stipa gigantea
Stipa tenuissima 'Pony Tails'
Cynara cardunculus (Cardoon)
Rhubarb 'Livingstone' (Everbearing)
Hakonechloa macra
Rosa 'Rambling Rector'
Cosmos atrosanguineus 'Chocolate'
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