grow, cook, eat, arrange with Sarah Raven & friends

Q&A: Which bulbs do I need to plant as soon as they arrive? If I don’t lift my dahlias, when should I mulch them? Do I need to lift dahlias from pots? When, and how, do I store dahlias? What perennials can I plant this month?

Sarah Raven

Welcome to the October Q&A episode of ‘grow, cook, eat, arrange’, where Sarah & Josie answer questions sent in by our lovely listeners each month. 

In this episode, Sarah shares which of the bulbs you should plant out as soon as you receive them and why, and Josie talks through when you should mulch dahlias if you’re not lifting them over winter.

Josie also covers everything you need to know to prepare dahlias for the winter, from lifting them out of pots to knowing when & how to store them, and Sarah runs down the finest perennials that you can plant this month.

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